Balinese Culture

The Balinese worship the devil? No, the first sentence I want to say. The Balinese do not worship Satan. All that is symbolic of evil forces and good forces. There will always be evil forces, but also there is always a good strength which will neutralize them. That's all I knew before the idea emerged to further review in my blog.

Maybe other people think, that why people in particular Balinese Hindu prostrate before the statue of creepy like the devil?. I also had to be made to wonder about that. Though I am a Balinese, I am Hindu, but not so familiar with the many customs and traditions that is around, when I go through every time. Luckily I am also the type that a little critical, do not want to accept something without any reasonable explanation. Do not want to hear the words "son keto mule", the language of Bali that are often said to oversimplify things, which means "really like it there. " Not only me, even most of the people around who understand the meaning rarely Barong and Rangda is common sense.

In this search I found two main things you want in the review, what it is and what it Rangda Barong. And why until there is a sacred place / to pretend?
There is also an interpretation that the Barong derived from the word "Ba-ru-ang" in the Indonesian language and a letter u o assimilate into, so ru and a (ng) to ro (ng), which means two. "rong"has the meaning of space, so two rong in question is two spaces as a dancer (bearers). But the reality on the ground there are many people who link the word to the word Barong Bears because of the similarity of pronunciation. Bear or animal that has supernatural powers - is considered as an animal protector. Whereas in the Hindu scriptures there is no mention animal bear as a sacred and holy as a vehicle for the gods of antiquity, as well as from the Chinese language there is no mention the word Barong Sae, Sae Liong that there is meaning dragon and lion dances. believe

Myth Barong and Rangda 

Pasek Mancagra narrated in the inscription of outbreak because of anger Goddess Uma. As a result of anger, Goddess Uma transformed into Rangda (Goddess Durga). Fearing the act was to invite disaster, Lord Vishnu transformed into a match with Banaspati King (Barong).

Barong is disturbing hermitage Rangda for negative effects to the world can be reduced.

 In Lontar Barong Swari, Goddess Durga's anger acted with yoga overlooking the four corners of the compass in turn. In yoga the Goddess Durga remove black magic science of disease outbreaks. When facing north, he created gering sustainable with (not explained what and how North), while facing the west he creates gering amucuh (no explanation). While yoga time facing south creating gering Bhuana Rug (no explanation) and when facing east Goddess Durga created gering Utah pay / vomiting. In this yoga munculah Barong disturbing hermitage Rangda to reduce the effects of negative forces which he spread 

While in folklore, Calonarang, we are told that most likely comes from the queen Mahendradatta Rangda who live on the island of Java in the 11th century. He was exiled by the king Dharmodayana for alleged acts of magic to the consort of two kings. According to legend he took revenge by killing half the kingdom, which later became his property and the property Dharmodayana son, Erland. Then he was replaced by someone who is wise.


secret personal mengatakan... Reply

Beautifull culture from bali

Eki Tiana mengatakan... Reply

yaa,, thx i realy happy with your coment.. :)

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